Frequently asked questions

Have a question? Email it to me using the contact page!


Q: Did you take all of the photographs on your website?
A: Believe it or not, this is a real question people ask, as if I’d have the audacity to steal other photographers images and post them on my website. Yes they are all taken except for maybe my profile picture. I take pride in my work, the only standards other than your own that I have to meet are my own. I am constantly striving to make awe-inspiring images and images that make people want to do things, get them motivated, thinking or crying.


Q: How much do you charge?
A: Thats both a tough question and an easy one, only because I offer different types of photography and video production. If you would like to discuss my rates send me an email (I promise no spam) and I’ll get you the information that you’re looking for. In addition to that, I am priced where I am because it’s what I need to sustain life, pay rent, taxes, car, health insurance, car insurance, tuition, bills, phone, internet and many other things that I need to run a business and live a quality life. If you think that you don’t have enough budget to hire me, send me an email anyway or give me a call, I am always up for helping people.


Q: Who built your website?
A: I did, it’s my baby. I have a degree in web design and it’s taken me a while to build my website up to what it is today. If you see an area I can improve let me know here: Contact


Q: When can I expect to receive my photographs?

A: This is something that I like to turn around relatively quick, however it is dependent on the time of year and how busy my season is. Most headshots can be delivered within 2 days after select, and portraits are more around 2 weeks. For weddings I put the delivery date around 8 weeks depending on if you select an album or other products which can take longer to produce. Wedding films are typically within 4-6 months depending on complexity. Video Production is dependent on the complexity of the project, production, editing, graphics etc.


Q:When should we book you?
A: If I have your date open, then you should book me. Let me repeat that, if I have your date open and you like me AND you like my work then you should book me. I fill up my summer schedule, so if you find that I have your date open, it won’t be available for long. If you like my work and like talking with me don’t hesitate.


Q: What kind of camera do you use?
A: I use my camera, is what I like to tell people, but I shoot Canon. For me the camera just felt better when I picked it up. In reality I can shoot with just about any camera system and I have. It’s not what you shoot with that is important, it’s the image you bring back. To expand on this for all of you gear junkies out there, I shoot with a Canon 1DXII, 5D4, 2-C100’s, and various other cameras, lenses, lighting tools etc. On any given wedding day I probably have somewhere around $22,000 worth of gear, for headshots and portraits it somewhere around $13,000 and I need insurance for all of that. I take my work very seriously and I need the best of the best because I’m not taking any chances.


Q: What else do you photograph?
A: I photography Weddings, Portraits and Headshots as my primaries, but I also take family photos, and I probably have photographed more events than most people my age which include running races, Hoopfest, IronMan CDA, Dirty Dash, Color Run, Glow Run, Cascade Relays, Spokane to Sandpoint, Spokane Riverrun. As well as corporate events for awards banquets and dinner for companies like Coeur d’Alene Casino, Fleet Reserve Association, GroupHealth Foundation, Providence Health, Goodwill, University of Washington and Google, you can read more about the companies I’ve done work for on my About Page.


Q: Do you shoot video as well?
A: I have worked on dozens and dozens of video projects, and I am skilled in both photography and videography. Video production and acting is one reason I got involved in videography. I grew up always wanting to be an actor, and I am able to be involved through the videos I work on. I have filmed music videos, documentaries, wedding films and some short films. Some projects allow me to do both photography and video at the same time, while others do not, each project is unique.


Q: What is your day job?
A: I get this one a lot, Photography is my day job, I do it full-time and it’s how I like to make my living. When I picked photography as a career, I wanted to do something that I loved doing, because if I was going to do it for the rest of my life I might as well love it! Photography for me is kind of like a therapy and gets my adrenaline going at the same time. I really like the blend of technology, science and art that goes into what I do and allows me to make the images I create.


Q: How long will the session take?
A: Each photo shoot, whether it be a headshot, wedding or portrait is different. I can likely shoot longer than you can stand to be in front of the camera, remember I love my job so if you don’t ask me to stop, I won’t! Most headshots are around about an hour, portraits can take longer especially if outside and at multiple locations. Weddings vary based on the timeline of the day and the amount of free time you have in your schedules.


Q: Is there anything you can’t do?
A: I can do a lot, but yeah sure there are a few things I can’t do. I have a fear of heights, and I have a hard time photographing babies; I respect those photographers who are gifted with that super power. For those other skills that I don’t have, give me a call and I’ll see if I can help you in your search.


Q: Do you have any nicknames?
A: I do, but I won’t be telling you them. Nicknames are learned and earned through bonding and relationships. Though I have been called the Macgyver of photography, I might accept that one. Names I don’t accept being called are BUD, PAL, BRO, DUDE, and Christopher which is what my mom calls me, and most people aren’t my mom. You can call me Chris. 🙂


Want to know more? Here you go!  Read my Bio